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ESD Board February 20, 2025 Regular Meeting




In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Emergency Services Commissioners of Rusk County Emergency Services District No. 1, to be held at 1515 Whippoorwill Ave., City of Henderson, Texas, at 7 p.m., February 20, 2025


The following agenda items will be discussed, considered and action taken as appropriate:

***Public Comments***

Any member of the public that wishes to make a public comment must request to be called on prior to the meeting. Requests shall be made to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Board, Gloria Dooley, and comments are limited to 3 minutes per agenda item.

1.               Call meeting to order and establish a quorum

2.               Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance

3.               Roll Call of Departments

4.               Consider and approve Minutes of previous meetings

5.               Consider and approve monthly Financial Reports

6.               Consider and approve monthly Payment of Bills

7.               Consider and approve any revenue transfers among District accounts

8.               Consider and possibly approve amendments to the 2025 budget to account for 2024 carry-overs

9.               Consider, discuss and possibly approve any pending items regarding the remodel of the training facility

10.            Consider, discuss and possibly approve anything pertaining to radio communications in the District, including upgrades to P25 mobile units for the District

11.            Consider and possibly approve reimbursement to the Carlisle VFD for 11 Scott face masks at a cost of $4,135.33

12.            Consider and possibly approve cost share with the Carlisle VFD on VFIS grant in the amount of $875.00

13.            Consider and possibly approve flag poles for ESD building at a cost of $11,625.00

14.            Consider and possibly approve reimbursement to the New London VFD for equipment for one of their brush trucks at a cost of $930.00

15.            Consider, discuss and possibly approve District Communications Protocols

16.            Consider, discuss and possibly approve submission of the Texas Comptroller Special Purpose District Financial and Tax Reporting Requirement

17.            Consider, discuss and possibly approve the Resolution Regarding Public Participation at Open Meetings

18.            Consider, discuss and possibly approve the Resolution Establishing District Fiscal Year

19.            Consider, discuss and possibly approve the Resolution Establishing District Administrative Office

20.            Consider and possibly approve 2024 Annual Report to the Rusk County Commissioners Court

21.            Consider and possibly approve bids on brush truck for the Reklaw VFD

22.            Consider and possibly approve closing the District’s Construction account and the Reserve account and moving any of these funds into the General Money Market account

23.            Consider and possibly approve additional items (emergency lighting, console, bumper, signage, etc.) for new Rusk County Rescue unit responder truck

24.            Consider and possibly approve concrete bids for the Tatum VFD apron replacement

25.            Consider and possibly approve PPE for the Carlisle VFD in the amount of $34,215.10

26.            Public Comments/Announcements

27.            Adjournment


On this 14th day of February 2025, this notice was posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.


Gloria Dooley, Secretary/Treasurer

The Rusk County Emergency Services District #1 is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The meeting facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodation or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please call Gloria Dooley, Secretary/Treasurer of Rusk County Emergency Services District #1 at (903) 646-5917 for information. Hearing impaired or speech disabled person equipped with telecommunications devices for deaf may utilize the statewide Relay Texas Program by dialing 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2988.

The Board may retire to Executive Session any time between the meeting’s opening and adjournment for any purpose authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, including but not limited to: consultation with legal counsel (Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code); discussion of real estate acquisition (Section 551.072); discussion regarding a prospective gift to the District (Section 551.073); personnel matters (Section 551.074); and/or deliberation regarding security devices or security audits (Section 551.076 and 551.089). Action, if any, will be taken in open session.

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