ESD Board Regular Meeting - December 19, 2024
In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, notice is hereby given of
a Regular Meeting of the Board of Emergency Services Commissioners of Rusk County Emergency
Services District No. 1, to be held at 1515 Whippoorwill Ave., City of Henderson, Texas, at 7 p.m.,
December 19, 2024
The following agenda items will be discussed, considered and action taken as appropriate:
***Public Comments***
Any member of the public that wishes to make a public comment must request to be called on prior to
the meeting. Requests shall be made to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Board, Gloria Dooley, and
comments are limited to 3 minutes per agenda item.
I. Call meeting to order and establish a quorum
II. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call of Departments
IV. Consider and approve Minutes of previous meetings
V. Consider and approve monthly Financial Reports
VI. Consider and approve monthly Payment of Bills
VII. Old Business
1. Consider, discuss and possibly approve any pending items regarding the remodel of the training
2. Consider, discuss and possibly approve anything pertaining to radio communications in the
3. Update on concrete work at Laneville VFD
VIII. New Business
1. Consider and possibly approve reimbursement to the Rusk County Rescue Unit for one set of bunker
gear at a cost of $3,927.37
2. Consider and possibly approve reimbursement to the Rusk County Rescue Unit
for Swift Water Training for 4 members at a cost of $3,400.00
3. Consider and possibly approve amending District Guidelines, page 2 item 3 regarding bunker gear
4. Consider and possibly approve rescinding approval of flags and flags poles at a cost of
$11,804.90 approved in September 2024
5. Consider and possibly approve setting up eligibility requirements for the upcoming EMT class
6. Consider and possibly approve the ESD buying the necessary computer to regin the District’s
7. Consider and possibly approve a list of personnel for building access control
8. Consider and possibly approve a January workshop date for the future purchase of District
9. Consider and possibly approve a January workshop on Strategic Planning
10. Consider and possibly approve paying off the Carlisle VFD building loan
IX. Public Announcements
X. Adjournment
On this 15th day of December 2024, this notice was posted in compliance with the Texas open
meeting’s law. Posted on the Rusk County Courthouse Public Notice’s Board and on the Courthouse
front door.
Gloria Dooley, Secretary/Treasurer
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting.
Please contact Gloria Dooley at (903) 646-5917.